Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bankers are trying to "define" us again. Now they picked a really stupid area to hit on.

Ok, Bankers - you asked for it.  We (Credit Unions) are not subject to the Community Reinvestment Act, because we ACTUALLY do what the act tries to make banks do.... WHY?  Because banks abandoned area that were unprofitable instead of trying to help people of modest income.  The regulator is holding your feet to the fire to do what you were chartered to do.  CU's on the other hand, have always done what the Act intends... THAT my capital-rich friends, is why we are not concerned about what the Director of Greenlining Institute thinks!  Perhaps she should concentrate her thought process on why so frigging much money constantly needs to be poured into banks and the funds always end up go to just a few people for their personal enrichment.  And you wonder why folks are taking to the streets???  Did they say what planet the institute is headquartered on?

Once again -- the Banks are unrepentant in their actions (or lack thereof)  and they are trying to drive the discussion to make us the bad guy.  The Nazis of old would be proud! The awkward TRUTH is we aren't subject to CRA... because we were found not wanting in this area.  

We need more of our Trades holding court and putting the banks in their place.  Where's CUNA, and NAFCU?  Why aren't we trying to direct the fate of banks?  Why aren't we bringing their faults and shortcomings to Congress?  Why are we ALWAYS on the defense and the banks always on the offense?  Where's the PUSH-BACK?  I guess when our "leaders" make more money than most folks, they don't want to rock the boat... just cash the check and hope all continues as it ever was.

From the Editors of American Banker

Did the consumers who took part in Bank Transfer Day “accomplish what the campaign's supporters wanted — to vote with their dollars for institutions with more concern and responsibility for their communities?” asks Preeti Vissa, the community reinvestment director of the Greenlining Institute.
Because credit unions aren’t subject to the Community Reinvestment Act, “the awkward truth is that we don't know nearly enough about the extent to which credit unions overall serve low- and moderate-income consumers,” she says.

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