Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Yogi Berra has met his match... Debbie Matz!

Here is the newest "Matz-isms" I found: 

"Although it may seem counter intuitive at first, allowing credit union to make more member business loans would allow credit unions - and NCUA - to manage risks more prudently."

WOW! "Counter Intuitive" "NCUA to manage risks more prudently"

How about their track record of abysmal and total FAILURE?  How about the oxymoron of NCUA and Managing Risks being used in the same sentence?  How about their whining to the judge regarding WesCorp that they are a small agency and strapped for resources?  How can a do-nothing organization like NCUA "MANAGE" anything?

This was followed up with - "At NCUA we take great care to ensure that our rules keep pace with market changes.... " 

Really?  On what planet did that happen?  In what galaxy far far away, in some dark and distant past? 

I see her lips moving, but I only hear Yogi coming out!


1 comment:

  1. Matz is living in a parallel universe - not of this one. Some village is missing 3 idiots - the idiots can be located at the NCUA. Manage risk. The NCUA can do that. Just look at WesCorp, USCentral, MembersUnited, CalState#9, High Desert FCU, St. Paul Croatian. Member Business Loans on the Telesis, WesCom, Evangelical Christian CU model - look where that got them. Just remember: Jesus Saves & Moses Invests. PTL - Pass The Loot!
