"What does that mean?" You ask. Well, we have long said that we are in the business of buying and selling money. We buy from our members in the form of dividends. We sell in the form of either making loans or putting funds out in investments.
"Which is best and when?" Like everything in our business, it depends.
For the simplest break-even analysis look at your investment yield and you net loan loss ratio. In order for a loan to have a better return to the credit union, the loan rate must be greater than the investment yield available and the loan loss ratio. Say you earn 1.75% on investments and your loan loss ratio is 1.25%. You would have to grant loans at 3% or higher to have an improvement over what you could obtain by simply investing the funds in government agencies or other investment programs. I've seen credit union chasing auto loan rates too low when an investment would have been a better return. Let someone else take the hit on losses.... at these rates, you don't have to go far above normal losses to have absolutely NO return on loans.